Ashley Tabaddor


Non-Sequiturs: 11.25.15

Ed. note: Happy Thanksgiving! Above the Law will be dark tomorrow for the holiday and on a reduced publishing schedule on Friday, November 27. * This is one way to make sure atheist voices are heard... and immediately mocked. [Indy Star] * A roundup of fun and wacky recent cases. [Texas Lawyer] * A practical guide for lawyers looking to embark on annual planning. [Associate's Mind] * Finally, resolution on Judge Ashley Tabaddor's lawsuit against the DOJ after the DOJ ordered her off all cases involving Iranians based on her heritage. [PAAIA] * It's the holidays, so take time to catch up with friends -- just make sure you do it in this incredibly photogenic way. [The Onion] * John Kasich takes a swing at the big dog, Trump. This is one time that invoking Godwin's Law doesn't seem like hyperbole. [YouTube]


Non-Sequiturs: 02.26.15

* The FCC declares net neutrality. Now an explanation of what that really means. [Gizmodo] * Today in "delightful things police departments do," we have the tale of a woman held in a black site by Chicago police for 18 hours before being allowed to contact a lawyer. That's the Chicago way. [The Guardian] * Former Georgia Attorney General Mike Bowers -- of Bowers v. Hardwick fame -- now supports LGBT rights. That's got to be the last one, right? Is there anyone still out there against this? [Buzzfeed] * We should have more lawyer unions. To the barricades, colleagues! [Adjunct Law Prof Blog] * Updating a previous item: Cooley filed its opposition to the federal government's motion to dismiss in the troubling case of Judge Tabaddor, whom the government ordered to stop hearing immigration matters involving Iranians because she is Iranian-American. [Cooley LLP] * The Harvard Law School Association Entrepreneurs Network invite you to a legal tech pitch night. It's March 4th at 6:30 p.m. in NYC. Talkin' law and technology. Be there and be square. [EventBrite] * The CAC's "Roberts At 10" series continues, turning its gaze on the racial equality protections we used to have. [Constitutional Accountability Center]


Non-Sequiturs: 11.24.14

* 2014 Moot Court rankings. Florida Coastal? Really? Good for them. [The National Jurist] * Young lawyers are making legal mobile apps. Great, now I'm going to start getting notifications about helping friends out with their LawVille game. [TaxProf Blog] * Judge sends motivational tweet, no big deal. No judge sends motivational tweet DURING A MURDER TRIAL, now there's something! [Legal Cheek] * A number of law professors filed a brief supporting the NCAA in the Ed O'Bannon antitrust appeal. What do you know, there's actually someone out there supporting the NCAA. [CBS Sports] * Cooley LLP is representing Immigration Judge Ashley Tabaddor in an interesting lawsuit against the DOJ. Judge Tabaddor is Iranian-American, and the DOJ ordered her off all cases involving Iranians based on her heritage. That... doesn't sound right. [Cooley LLP] * Ron Collins kicks off a multi-part series on Judge Richard Posner. [Concurring Opinions] * English was William F. Buckley's third language? Huh. Never knew that. [What About Clients?] * David and Elie appeared on Power Lunch today to discuss bonus season. Video below. [CNBC]